Gydeon Admin replied

436 weeks ago

So with the holiday Steam sale complete, and some new games coming out soon, here is a list of games that I & Aly will be playing for the next couple of months. If anyone else is interested in joining us, you are more than welcome :)

These games are in no specific order:

  • Witcher 3 (solo)
  • Diablo 3 (new season)
  • SWTOR (the latest movie sparked the star wars itch)
  • World of Warcraft - new expansion - maybe, if anyone else interested in trying this out then I may hop in.
  • Wildstar
  • Blade & Soul (coming out soon - free to play korean mmo - may not be for everyone)
  • Tree of Savior (coming out soon - free to play - reminds me of Secret of Mana for SNES, but as an MMO)

Odry Officer replied

436 weeks ago

I still play wow Gyd … with no one and it sux.

Gydeon Admin replied

436 weeks ago

Well, when Legion comes out, I may give it a shot. What server are you on? Does that even matter now (being on different servers)?

Odry Officer replied

436 weeks ago

My mains are on Zul'jin, but still a few toons kicking around on Blackrock (which is now a low-pop server, who knew?). Dungeons and raids are all cross-realm now, and I think we can group together and quest being on different realms. Just can mail things or trade things x-server.

I also want to get a max level character in Diablo at some point …

Been playing a lot of Heroes of the Storm lately.

Gydeon Admin replied

436 weeks ago

Cool, I'll most likely give Legion a try (but play it very casually). 2016 will be a year of major change for me (positive change hopefully) :) Work is going crazy and I have an option between 2 paths for advancement. Both come with greater responsibility which may cut down on my game time.

Lanolyn Default replied

436 weeks ago

I haven't really been playing anything serious. Candy Crush mostly. Love tower defense games like Plants vs Zombies. I've been messing around with League of Legends a bit. I was contemplating reinstalling WoW for SUPER casual play (i.e. Nap times on the weekend, 11 am - 1 pm or 7-9 pm weekdays). What does it take to catch up these days? Need to be Level 100? Does a free level 90 come with a resurrection scroll?

I haven't hardly heard of half the games you mentioned, Gyd. I'll happily look them up; anything that isn't just a grind fest? I think I can only handle 1 of those in my life at a time.

Gydeon Admin replied

436 weeks ago

Lany - Lets see, baby time friendly casual games:

Diablo 3 is super casual friendly - especially with the new season starting up. Just log in, kill mobs, and log off whenever anything happens (just don't play 'hardcore')

All the other games (except for Witcher 3) are MMO's. And as par for the course, they tend to be a bit grindy.

Given the fact that I'm looking to play casually for the next few months (first half of 2016), I've been leaning towards F2P (free to play) MMOs, which all of them are, with the exception of WOW.

Blade & Soul = F2P MMO (playstyle like Tera) but very interesting when it comes to PVP. I'm just going to play it for PVE which is supposed to be good too, but nothing amazing.
Tree of Savior = F2P MMO (isometric camera like Diablo 3) with a playstyle very similiar to Tree of Mana and old school Ragnarok Online.

I'm thinking that Tree of Savior will be more casual friendly than Blade & Soul.

Odry Officer replied

435 weeks ago

wow is actually pretty casual friendly these days Lano. There's a ceiling, but you can do a lot to advance your toon without ever raiding or doing super grinds. If haven't done any of the Warlords content, the quest/leveling content is really quite good. And you can use gold now to pay your sub by buying wow tokens. I think they're like 34K these days.

Maurynna Officer replied

434 weeks ago

Recently started another Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough. Finished it twice already. If anyone hasn't played the Dragon Age series yet, what are you waiting for? My favorite games of all time, highly recommend. Other then that, a bit of Final Fantasy 14. I've been more in a book reading mood this past month.

Edit: Oh! Just thought of it now, but "Life Is Strange" is an awesome indy game,split into 5 episodes, that you could try out Lano!

Odry Officer replied

428 weeks ago

Finally got my Diablo wizard up there, comfortably doing Torment 3. Have discovered what a super grind fest Diablo is … I mean I knew it was, but it's not even like you can farm specific bosses for drops … it's all random.

Played a little with Foolitic too.
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